Russell Kiwi Protection


Help Us save our native biodiversity

Russell Kiwi Protection is an ecological restoration project.  It is an initiative of the Russell Landcare Trust, founded 17 years ago. We are a large group of keen locals who work together to restore and enhance the native biodiversity of the Russell Peninsula in the Bay of Islands.

About us

You can help

Kowhai Tui

Volunteers & Contributors

Hectares protected

About Our Foundation

 The Russell Peninsula is a very special place.  It’s one of very few areas in New Zealand where wild kiwi and weka live side-by-side with people.  Native forest clothes hillsides, wetlands nestle in valleys and salt marsh and mangroves hug the shore. These varied habitats are home to an array of native birds, insects and lizards, some of which are rare species.

Our Goal

Russell Kiwi Protection aims to preserve and protect these natural treasure/taonga for future generations. We do this by protecting them from introduced predators like rats, stoats and possums, as well as preventing invasive weeds from degrading our forests and wetlands. 

By controlling these introduced predators, we hope to double the number of kiwi birds on the Russell peninsula, as well as to keep our forests, wetlands and coasts plentiful with life and biodiversity.


Russell's biodiversity

An array of native plants and animals

The Projects

Protecting our wildlife and their habitats